The city doesn't know what's coming, she doesn't feel the heat. The city won't know what hit her, what knocked her out into the street. The city is thinking that it's over, she's already fast asleep.
We're given only what we need, only the chance to survive. Yet, even then, it's a coin toss or roll of the dice. With the smell of gasoline assailing the nostrils of the passerby - the lifeblood of the city proper - the world all around stirs and spurs forward. It's strangely reminiscent to the Big Apple; a city that never truly sleeps.
With the press of flesh upon either side and a myriad of establishments flanking the network of streets; one could find anything they wish for, truly. With high fashion and passion lingering within the city alongside bright lights and high tension,
RavenBlack city stands apart from any other.
Now where do you make your mark?
Stand out amongst the norm and drink the lifeblood of the city.